Friday, May 13, 2011

New Serial Blog is launched!!

My writer's group (Midwest Authors Group) has started a serial blog about time travel, taking place in the year 2020.  A lot of talent is involved in this blog. You don't want to miss this!!

New interview about Nightmare At Camp Forrestwood!

My first interview about my second novel is now up!!  Nightmare At Camp Forrestwood!!! Check it out!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New interview!!

Gearing up for another interview! This one is about my second novel!!  I record it by phone Monday!
Speaking of my second novel, Nightmare at Camp Forrestwood, two weeks ago, I edited the book and sent them to Outskirts Press.  Now I am waiting for them to correct my edits and send me the file to review.  Then it goes to print if all is good!!!  I cannot wait!!!!